My Word


Are you a resolutions gal or just a fresh start gal? For me, I have found that resolutions don’t really work for me, so I decided this year to choose a word that will translate to many areas of my life. This year that word for me is


I have found that the past five months have been filled with so much growth for me in so many personal areas of my life because I have intentionally taken time for me. In the beginning, it felt selfish leaving my kids to go to counseling, church, or yes, even my new part-time gig. However, every time I do those things, I arrive back home feeling refresh and recharged.

Becoming a mother doesn’t mean you need to lose yourself in motherhood.

Yes, it means that you have gained a new title and new responsibility, but you are the same you! Keep that in mind next time you say no to some time for yourself. You aren’t being selfish, you are in fact taking care of the person you are and who you want to become. 

When you take time for you; you show your children that you value yourself and taking the intentional step to nurture our souls is something

e v e r y o n e must do!

Teach them young, they are watching you. Allow your children to take steps to become intentional about caring for themselves. That way, when stressful situations arise they will be equipped with methods that help them slowdown and recenter themselves.

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MotherhoodMagen Wright